Thanksgiving Writing Prompts
One thing about writing is that real life will end up playing a part in the story. Writers are great at making up things but in all that fiction, real life still exists. Writers still have to write from what they know. For me, a lot of my inspirtation comes from real life. I see something and think “what if -thing I see- but with -insert idea here.-”
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and honestly, a day that should be full of inspiration. There are a few Thanksgiving themed or Thanksgiving orientated movies that can help spin your inspiration if needed. Holiday Engagement is the first one that comes to mind. Well, after Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. I wouldn’t recommend Charlie Brown for rom-com inspiration. Actually, now that I am thinking about it…. Yeah, an idea just popped up for me.
See? That’s how simple inspiration can be. You take something you know and you ask, what if?
So regardless of what you will be doing over the holiday weekend, take some time to write or take notes of what is happening around you. Allow yourself to be inspired and allow yourself to bring some holidays into your writing. Also, don’t worry about making sure you have your laptop and perfect set up to write. Open the notes app in your phone and take notes. We have so much technology at our fingertips, use it! Use your tablet to write a scene in the Notes app or even with Google Docs. If you’re like me and use Dabble, you can open up a blank document and just start writing. Personally, I do all my writing, planning, plotting in Dabble. When I have ideas, I have a designated note in the notes app of my phone for me to just make a list of my ideas. When I use one, I highlight it. The notes app works for me because I can put the ideas down whenever and I can put whatever idea it is. Not all ideas are big, major plot ideas, some are minor plot or characterization ideas. This method allows me to put multiple ideas together as I am writing. Plus, I can access this notes app from my phone, my tablet, and my computer so I really appreciate how I always have access. That was one of the reasons I picked Dabble for my writing program but that is a post for another day.
“You take something you know and you ask, what if?”
Interesting in writing over the Thanksgiving holiday? Here are some (thanksgiving themed) prompts to help get you ready!
Writing Prompts
The turkey catches fire. What happens next?
You get invited to dinner from a number you don’t know, what do you do?
Invite a stranger to your family dinner.
Someone from your childhood, who you haven’t seen in years, is home for the holidays. How does everybody reconnect?
Happy Thanksgiving, from my family to yours. Happy writing too! I hope this post and these prompts can help you start to find inspiration in the small things too.
Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash