Writing Goals 2025

I might be late to this game in the blogging world. I think that the end of a year with the chaos of holidays (and the clean up and rest that comes with it) isn’t the time to be thinking ahead to everything you want to accomplish in the new year. 

At least for me. I like enjoying the holidays and spending time with my family. Especially as my husband takes time off to ensure that we’re all spending time together.

I think that as a culture we have put so much pressure on starting January 1st to hit the ground running that we fail to give ourselves the space to really process and reflect on the past year in order to set up goals (or resolutions, whatever you want to call it). 

We all know that awkward week between Christmas and New Years where barely anybody knows what day it is. For me, that’s the week I spend thinking about the past year and thinking about what I want to accomplish in the next year. I usually spend this week with my family, going out together, finding time outside. While I think about what I want to do in the new year and the goals I want to set, nothing is set in stone and nothing is fully planned. My husband and I talk a lot about what we want for our family and what we want to do together.

All that to say, if you’re still working on your goals for 2025, you’re in good company. It’s okay to take some time to work out what you want to accomplish. It’s very easy to set goals and create dreams. The hard part is the planning and creating the process to accomplish that goal. So for me, spending the last week of the year to think about what I want to accomplish and then spending part of January figuring out how and when I am going to accomplish those things makes more sense.

So what do I want to accomplish in 2025? Let’s break it down.

Personal Goals—

Reading goals. I got the 2025 reading log from Everyday Reading. I usually get the one she puts out every year. She has blog posts talking about how to enlarge these logs for big prints if you want too. I once used one for classroom art in my first middle school classroom. This year, I printed it out in a size that fits in my notebook and glued it to one of the pages. I have never filled out one of these logs and this year, I really want to. I counted the physical books on the log and I got 97, so my reading goal is to read 97 books this year. Within those 97 books I want at least five to be non-fiction. Within those non-fiction books I have plans to read books on spiritual growth and business growth. (Feel free to send any recommendations to me!)

Moving onto fitness goals, I plan to have some. (ahahah!) Mostly, just getting some sort of exercise into my daily routine. I know it’s something I need to do and I’m really excited to be including this. I have been scheduling it in my calendar and that is helpful for my motivation so far. I’m starting small and as I get consistent, I’ll start to add more to the routine. Right now, I’m starting with a daily walks.

This next one is personal but also flows into my family goals and that is to get out and explore our new city. We have lived in Arizona for eight months now and we have seen some places but there is so much to explore. Part of this also involves using the memberships we have more. We have a yearly memberships to one of the museums out here along with the Legoland discovery center. My goal is to utilize these memberships to the fullest as we also explore our city. There are also plans for more date nights and my husband and I spending more one on one time together. (He did a great job with our wedding anniversary so I’m excited for both of us to prioritize this)

Writing Goals—

This looks completely different than how I thought it would have looked if I was writing this last November. However, over the month of December, I spent a lot of time thinking about my writing, my business, and asking for insight from my husband. We spent a lot of time talking about the overall picture and the life we are working towards out here. A lot of our conversations centered around simplifying and focusing on the stuff that matters most. With that, my writing goals and writing focus has completely shifted. It’s all for the best though, I’m really excited for where this is going.

First, I am publishing a book this year! God willing, that is. I have set up the publication plan. I have the deadlines and scheduled time with my editor. I am working on the writing and scheduling the writing time so I am focused on this book.

Next, I am learning more and focusing on the business side of being an author. I want to take a course or two. I want to read some books on business. I’m putting myself out there this year and getting serious about the indie author business part of my writing.

Lastly, I want to connect with the local writing community. I know I live in a place that loves writers. I have heard and seen signs that show that arts and writing is something that is deeply loved here and I am looking to get involved, get connected and link up with other writers. A lot of my favorite moments from college involve the Creative Writing Club and working with the cabinet (I was president of the club), and hosting meetings and events for the members were some of my favorite things I did. I don’t think writing clubs should be exclusive to colleges so I just want to connect with other writers. Maybe I can even start some writing meet ups for writing sprints.

Here’s to 2025 and God willing, all the things to accomplish for His glory.

What are some things you want to accomplish?

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash


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